Narrator: once upon a time in New York City there were two dogs named Max and Gidget.
And they were boyfriend and girlfriend. And today are talking about the story how they became bf and gf. Lets go!
Duke: moring Max!
Max: moring Duke!
Duke: lets go to Gidget's place ok.
Max: uhhhhhh *bushes*
Duke: do you have a crush on Gidget, Max?
Max: uh no *blushes*
Duke: tell me the truth.
Max: ok fine I have a crush on Gidget🙄.
Duke: I KNEW IT!
Max: don't tell anyone ok.
Duke: ok.
Max: not even Gidget ok.
Duke: ok Max.
Narrator: Duke promised not to tell anyone and went to Gidget's place but didn't promise to tell Gidget.
Gidget: is this true Duke!?
Duke: yes it is.
Gidget: omg i can't wait to tell everone!
Duke: uh Gidget.
Gidget: what Duke?
Duke: Max told me not to tell anyone so you shouldn't to.
Gidget: ok.
Narrator: Gidget lisned to Duke and was going to Max's apartment but then Snowball saw her and said.
Snowball: Puffydog, why are you going to Tinydog's apartment?
Gidget: oh for no reson.
Snowball: ok.
Gidget: hi Max!
Max: oh hi Gidget * blushes*
Gidget: can i ask you someting,Max?
Max: ya Gidget.
Gidget: do you have a crush on me?
Max: HOW DID YOU KNOW!!!????
Gidget: uh Duke told me?
Max: all well.
Max: at lest no one knows.😌
Narrator: what they think😒.
Snowball: I KNOW!
Max and Gidget: Don't tell anyone!
Snowball: oh i will.
Narrator: once Snowball told everone this happend.
Dasiy: so you to are in love.
Chole: what losers lets make fun of them ok.
Everone else: ok!
Everone: Max and Gidget sitting in a tree K I S I O N G!
Narrator: once the song was over Gidget got so mad she did this.
Gidget: oh ya, well did you know when were not looking Chole chases lasers?
Everone: lol
Gidget: thats what you get for calling me and max losers.
Snowball: fair is fair Chole.
Gidget: and did you know when were not with snowball he dreesses up like a princess?
Snowball: GIDGET!!!!!
Chole: i thought you said fair is fair?
Dasiy: ya snowball.
Gidget: and did you know that Mel is the dumbset pug in the whole wide world.

Mel: wait what?
Buddy: did you tell her?
Mel: uh ya?
Buddy: wow you really are the dumbest pug ever
Gidget: now don't make me say more secrets about you guys!
Everone: ok!
Max: and if you guys tell anyone I will kill you guys!
Everyone: ok we promise!
Narrator: everyone went back to there apartments but Gidget and Duke let them to themselves.
Max: so ya. *blushes*
Gidget: ya. *blushes*
Max: *goes to kiss Gidget on her lips*
Gidget: * goes to kiss Max on his lips*
Max and Gidget: *kisses on lips*
Duke: MAX! MAX!
Max: what Duke?
Gidget: well I have to go now, bye Max I love you.
Max: bye Gidget I love you to.
Gidget: *kisses Max on the Cheek*
Narrator: well that's the end for this story unto next time, were going to talk about the story of Sonic and Amy. THE END.
In the comets tell me if there were any misakes ok.