The Secret Life of Pets Wiki
“Oh, fun fact: he trashed my apartment!”
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Do i know you max
Unofficial title
The subject of this article was not given a name in any official media from The Secret Life of Pets franchise. As such, "Sweetpea's owner" is purely conjectural.

Sweetpea's owner appears in The Secret Life of Pets as the owner of Sweetpea. He is voiced by Jim Ward.


Sweetpea's owner is a young man with a beard and shaved head. He wears several earrings in both ears and has tattoos on his arms. He was partially seen in the morning and he says goodbye to Sweetpea before he leaves. He was seen again in the next evening, and he puts some bird food on his head saying it's okay for Sweetpea to peck on it.


  • He appears to like birds very much; for instance, there is a poster of The Birds on a wall in his apartment.