A fast-moving train emerges from a tunnel. Gidget is wearing a black mask and cape, running along the top of the moving train until she leaps off, landing gracefully onto the arched railing of the bridge.
Gidget: [leaps down to the streets below] Haha!
The immense force of her landing causes the surrounding cars and bystanders to launch into the air and then fall. Her tail wagging, she looks up with a smile. Her eyes widen as she spots Mel appear suddenly from a nearby alley.
Mel: [running] Super Gidget! It's the squirrels! [sobs] They got Max!
A stampede of squirrels carrying Max emerges from the alley and into the middle of the street, causing a car to screech to a halt.
Max: Gidget, help! Help!
Gidget gasps at the scene. A squirrel laughs evilly and then rejoins the massive swarm as it winds up a large tree with Max in tow.
Max: Help!
Gidget: I'll save you Max!
Gidget twirls and shoots off in pursuit, leaving a heart-shaped pink ring of dust behind her. She reaches the tree and then leaps nimbly from side to side to climb it. As she gets closer to the top, a pair of squirrels are waiting on a branch. One of them pops a tree nut in their mouth, then backflips off the branch, making a noise like an airplane engine as it descends. A fleet of several squirrels follow, firing tree nuts at Gidget. She barrels through their attack, using the top of her head as a shield to deflect the onslaught. Once Gidget reaches the top, she spins and twirls in the air, hitting two squirrels away. She twirls on the spot while still in the air, using the momentum to launch tree nuts at squirrels nearby. With no more enemies in sight, she drops down to a branch, pleased with herself. Her expression changes when she looks up. She groans. She cautiously advances along the twisted and thorny roots of the tree. At the center is a large castle built into its trunk. A flash of lightning and thunder crashes in the cloudy night sky, illuminating the castle's interior for a split moment. At the entrance, Gidget peeks quickly from the left, disappears, then reappears to the right. As she steps onto the red carpet marking the path inside, she gasps as vacuums on either side of her turn on. She whimpers and trembles as she walks past them, and the vacuums follow slowly behind her.
Infestor: Ah, Super Gidget! So nice of you to join us.
A throne dominates the front of the room. Ripper, a Bulldog with glowing red eyes, sits atop it, and a terrified Max is chained to its base.
Gidget: Max! [turns to Ripper, angry] How dare you! You are a bad, bad dog!
Infestor: Oh, I'm no dog!
The scene zooms in to reveal a cackling flea dressed in a red and dark blue outfit and cape.
Infestor: I am Infestor, Master of Mind Control, and I am taking over every dog in the city! [Gidget gasps and Infestor grins.] ...Including your precious Max.
Infestor, still in control of Ripper, and Gidget yell as they lunge towards each other. They meet in the air and fight. Gidget lands a punch to the larger dog's jaw, who counterattacks and lands a hit to her face.
Gidget: Hey! [rubs the side of her face] Okay, that does it! [powers up] Activate Super Sparkle Rainbow!
Gidget turns into a rainbow beam of light, smashing into Ripper and sending him flying. Infestor loses his grip and falls from his host, letting out a yell of fear, but his cape catches on the air and allows him to float safely. Infestor cackles as he dives towards Max, who screams. The flea lands on Max's head and grabs two strands of fur. Max's eyes turn from brown to red as Infestor takes control of him.
Gidget: [uncertain] Max?
Infestor: [laughs, then grunts as he commands Max's body to break the chains holding him] Ha, checkmate!
Gidget gasps as Max nears her, the vacuums closing in around them.
Infestor: [mocking] You'd never hurt your true love. Get ready to play dead!
Gidget: [swings a vacuum hose, sarcastic] Sorry, but I don't know that trick!
Infestor: [screams as he is being pulled closer to the vacuum's mouth] Oh, no! No! No!
Infestor gets sucked into the vacuum screaming, down through the tubing, and smacks into a barrier. He groans in pain as he slowly slips down its surface.
Max: [breathes a sigh of relief] Super Gidget, you're incredible.
Gidget: [balances on the vacuum trapping Infestor, nonchalant] Just doing what I do. [giggles]
Gidget flies off with the vacuum, breaking past the planet's atmosphere, and launches the vacuum and Infestor far away into space.
Infestor: [voice fading away] I regret nothing!
The scene cuts to Gidget carrying Max, flying through the night sky. She descends near the Brooklyn Bridge and puts him down. She walks toward the railing, her eyes focused on the Moon above them. Using heat vision, she carves out a heart on its surface. She and Max turn towards each other, smiling. Their eyes start to close as they lean forward to kiss, but they break apart when an object comes barreling down at them from the sky. The vacuum that had been Infestor's prison breaks upon impact with the ground.
Infestor: [cackles] I'm back!
The vacuum's base still intact, Infestor drives it towards the two dogs.
Gidget: Don't worry, Max. I got this. [races forward, gaining momentum]
The scene changes to show Gidget asleep in her bed, lying on her side. Her limbs move in the air as if she's running. Her paws meet the floor, which propels her forward into the opposite wall. Dazed, she groans and mumbles incoherently as she stumbles back towards the bed, falling onto it. Her owners are looking down at her, concerned.
Gidget's male owner: [confused] Huh. What was all that about?
Gidget's female owner: [gasps] Maybe she's got fleas!
Gidget's eyes widen as Infestor's cackling is heard in the background.