The Secret Life of Pets Wiki
“Oh, fun fact: he trashed my apartment!”
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Do i know you max
Unofficial title
The subject of this article was not given a name in any official media from The Secret Life of Pets franchise. As such, "Mel's owner" is purely conjectural.

Mel's owner is a minor character who appears in The Secret Life of Pets as the owner of the hyperactive pug Mel.

He is voiced by Bob Bergen.


He is a tall, chubby and half-bald man with brown hair.


At the beginning of the movie, he said goodbye to Mel and closed the door of their apartment. Later, in Max's Apartment, Mel tells his neighbors that his owner gave him a small white pill, making him unconscious, and then Mel is in Florida with his owner.

It is not until the next evening that his appearance can be fully seen. Soon after Buddy's owners go home, he opens the door of his apartment, which is just next to Buddy's Apartment. Inside, Mel crashes around the living room before he fetches his owner's slippers.


Mel's owner/Gallery


  • He was designed to look like Mel.