The Secret Life of Pets Wiki
Dog Walker
Physical Information
Species Human
Sex Male
Appearance White male human
Personal Information
Occupation Dog walker
Residence New York
Production Information
Debut The Secret Life of Pets
Voiced by Unknown

Guillermo is a character in The Secret Life of Pets. He is the dog walker of Max and his neighbors.


He wears a blue hat with a red "DOG" sign on it, a pair of round glasses, a red leather vest and a blue shirt in the film. His hair is brown.


He appears to be pretty reckless, as seen in that he doesn't notice Max and Duke are missing; he is also incautious about the surroundings when he is asleep.


The next morning after Duke was adopted by Katie, Germo brings twelve dogs out for a walk, including Max, Duke, Mel, Buddy, and Peppi. At the dog park, he meets a young woman and talks with her, not awaring that he forgets to unleash Max. When he is about to go home, he doesn't notice that two dogs, Max and Duke, are gone.

Later, he goes home and sleeps on the sofa in his apartment. Pops leads the pets and they reach his balcony; his pet lizard opens the door for them. All pets takes away all the food on the table in their path, even when Chloe steps on his crotch, he is still asleep, but he moans.guillermo/Gallery


  • “Two, four, six, eight, ... Mmm. ”
    Counting the dogs he brought out

